1. As per the teleconference instructions of the state IT cell on 17.07.2018 all the school education department employees are requested to success the enrolment drive in “student information system” for the academic year 2018-19.
  2. Most important note: All new entry children data shall be obtained by MRC and uploading of data shall be done when site is available. (Including private school data also- at least figures for follow-up)
  3. Once again congratulations to all the employees for updation of all children in “student information system”, our district stood 1st place in state. 
  4. All the Dy.E.O s, MEOs & All school complex chairman’s are requested to monitor schools under your control update & New entry of all children in “student information system” ( all management schools & including all private schools. 
  5. All HMs, MIS, Da.E.O& CRPs are instructed to update & upload of all the children in time “student information system” activities within stipulated time given by state office i.e: last date 21.7.2018.
  6. All HMs & CRPs are try to enrol all aganwadi children in Govt schools & 100% children are to be enrolled in schools in your catchment area. 
  7. All the HMs & CRPs are to verify theeach child with attendance register &child info data and all the children are uploaded in “student information system”and find their correct information & intimation to concerned MRC. And try to enrol 100% Out of school children "NIL" area in your catchment area.
  8. All the HMs are requested to educate all the parents to join their children in Govt. Schools.
  9. All the HMs are requested to compare the enrolment 2017-18 & 2018-19 and inform to district office with specific remarks any abnormal deviations in enrolment gap in your school catchment area. All the school complex chairmen & CRPs are analyse the enrolment gap in your cluster area, like all MEOs are requested to submit mandal wise report with specific remarks.


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